This game is hated by so many it is unbelievable that I actually enjoyed it so much. Thousands who enjoyed the first episode of the merchandise (which was a brilliant game) saw the TERRIBLE trailers that were released for the second installment and turned away, screaming about its unrealism and its poor graphics. To an extent, I agree with them, but enjoying the game takes a certain gaming point of view.
I openly admit that Mercenaries 2 is nothing more than a compromised script from George Lucas' shed that he sold to EA for a few bucks. It's short with only about 8 hours gameplay for the storyline. The bodies disappear in ten seconds. What could not be destroyed in Mercs 1 (e.g. trees) are now insanely easy to destroy, for example driving a bike through them. The driving is unbelievably unrealistic and you can fall from ANY height and survive. This is most likely what made so many fans come to think 'wait a second. This is a piece of shit.' And, to be honest they're right. It's a shoddily made game that is far too easy but, take on the right approach to it and it's not too bad.
Should you pick up this game, don't start it thinking that you're going have a good few weeks of hardcore gaming which is gonna take all your skill and wit. No. Come to it thinking of it as a bit of fun, ignore the unrealism and take the absolute piss out of it and, you never know, you might begin to like it. Even so, there are some parts of the game which are generally good, such as the graphics for explosions and burning foliage, and the hijacking minigames which, especially when it comes to helicopters, are amazingly put together and does make it seem very movie-like.
I give this game a 7/10. It's buggy, unrealistic and easy, but as a jokey kinda way it is good. Undeniably a bad follow up to the first Mercenaries, but worth £15 I would say, definitely if you're into big scale free roam and blowing the absolute grandmother out of everything.
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