I’m a huge Valve fan if I’m to be honest, Counter Strike, Day Of Defeat, Portal, the Half-Life 2 series, you name it, I’ve played it to death and beyond. And so obviously, like every good Valve fan, I need to play Team Fortress 2. I played it for aeons on the pc and thought it was one of the most valve-licious games ever (yes that’s a word). The constant updates on the gameplay kept it going, made the game never get boring, which to be honest, the raw version of the game is.
For those who live under what I like to call ‘the Great Rock of Infinity Ward’, Team Fortress 2 is a First-Person Shooter (no, it doesn’t have direct relations to CoD), in which you go on one of two teams. The red team, and the blue team, in the true old-school FPS spirit. Within that team, you get to pick a certain character, one of 9, the Scout, the Pyro (my personal favourite), the Soldier, the Demoman, the Heavy, the Engineer, the Sniper, the Spy, and the Medic. Each character has their own unique weapons, abilities, and even characteristics. For example, the Heavy is a huge Russian man with an eccentric love for his gun, Natasha, has a shit load of health, and his weapons are a fucking huge minigun, a shotgun, and his fists, while the Demoman is ‘a black Scottish Cyclops’ (he has an eye patch, so you could equally say he’s a black Scottish pirate) who is…well…Scottish…and black. An interesting combination. His weapons are a grenade launcher, a sticky grenade launcher (it shoots sticky grenades, the gun itself isn’t sticky) and a whisky/scotch bottle. Back to the teams. They must compete in a few different game modes, but really they can just boil down to point capturing, and trying to shove a cart into the enemy base (sounds a lot less amusing than it is). So yes, it’s a relatively simple game, but unbelievably fun at the same time.
Anyway, in later months, I bought the Orange Box. The Half-Life 2 series, Team Fortress 2 and Portal all for 20 quid on the 360? HELL YEAH. By the time I got round to playing Team Fortress 2 on it, roughly 5 months later, it actually became, somehow, the one thing that made me feel a mild tinge of regret towards buying it. Valve seem to have some humungous loathing for people who use the Xbox 360, and wish them all a miserable, slow, painful death. In a way I agree with them, but that’s no excuse for not releasing ONE SINGLE UPDATE. You can’t gain new weapons, you can’t even upgrade the dispensers or teleporters (they’re things the engineer can make, which on the PC version can be upgraded twice to make them more efficient). There’s about 6 maps, a collection of the worst excluding 2fort and Granary, and around 5 players online at any given time. And the glitching. WHY ALL THE GLITCHING. You finally find a server on 2fort and BAM, everyone getting critical hits, and killing everyone on their own team. Everyone’s flying around in the sky and all you can do is curl into a fetal position in the darkest corner of the map.
So as you can tell, the Xbox 360 version isn’t quite as glorious as the PC version, so my recommendation is, buy the PC version, and buy the Orange Box anyway, because the rest of the games on there, are nothing short from valve-licious. 4/10.
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